Author Archive: kyle

Dating Disclosure
When do you disclose your disability with dating? Dating Disclosure Podcast The internet is cool. I ran a study long ago far away to see the effects of technology on disabled people. We hosted a service on a VAX 1178 that was essentially a bulletin board service allowing people to connect. I moderated the service […]

Dating Disclosure II
On-Line dating has been depressing. I signed up on and Yahoo Personals. I have been wresting with when to disclose my disability. Well after a couple of weeks my experience is that only 2 people out of about 30 are willing to continue talking to me after I disclose my disability. Both are very […]

So This is Love
Well its only taken two of my four lifetimes to figure out what love is. Better late than never. I didn’t realize until today that when my life mentor Wendy Lady was teaching me about patience she was teaching me about so many other things. I didn’t realize that one word could lead to so […]

What Is Beauty
I went to and found the following. All of the denotative definitions for beauty always included a beautiful woman. What Is Beauty Podcast beau·ty /ˈbyu ti/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[byoo-tee]Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -ties. 1. the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from […]

After being through a divorce I’d recommend to anyone in marriage use divorce as an absolute tool of last resort. I was raised Roman Catholic and divorce was strictly taboo. My parents are the only ones still married to the original spouse version in both of their families. It took me years to make […]

Dating DONE
I had some feedback recently that they hoped I find the person I was looking for. In retrospect I can see why people for a time thought my blog was about my adventures in dating. Well for clarification. My blog is not about dating but about my experience with blindness. Dating DONE Podcast The point […]

Divorce II
My divorce as all divorces was a pain. It was interesting how it ultimately worked out. The stuff was just stuff. The money was just money. I say that even after not having worked for four months. Divorce II Podcast Oh I was sucked into the big house the big car notion. I was sucked […]

Stuck with a Sighted Person
I looked at my blog statistics the other day and one of the top searches where my blog comes up is “Stuck With a Blind Man”. I had to laugh. Sorry sighted woman. I thought it was harsh. Then I thought about it. I’ve often felt stuck with a sighted person in relationships. In my […]

Relationship Comandments
How pathetic is that? Relationship advice from a blind man? I thought I wouldn’t be writing about this again but apparently my readers are interested. Here are a list of relationship commandments for us disabled and blind people. Don’t get into a relationship because you think you’ll never find anyone else, Don’t settle. Don’t get […]

Dating a Disabled Person / Dating a Blind Man
I never thought I’d have to spend so much time writing about dating. My experiences are well documented in other parts of the blog. I’m happy with some of the blog posts and unhappy with others, regardless there are many lessons learned that I will attempt to share. If you are a disabled person reading […]