Author Archive: kyle

Blind Jobs
I have been told that the only reason I get jobs is because of my blindness. I’ve even had close family members tell me this. Blind Jobs Podcast I can tell you that putting the fact that you’re blind on your resume will ensure you are not considered for a position. I have never received […]

Stuck in a Rut
It’s so easy after you’ve been in a job for a while to believe that you can’t work any where else. The best thing that ever happened to me in my career was getting laid off from my first job. I had this new job, which I was lucky to get, great job and great […]

Hunting for a Job
The downturn of 08 has been nasty. I left a 6 year career at Microsoft to go to back being an independent consultant. You’d think I was smarter than this but hind sight is always 20/20. Anyway. I had a great contract and it went very well good results and a good reference. But with […]

The Blind Way
Many people think I am inflexible. That its my way or the highway. That I am a hard nosed SOB. Its too funny I was talking with someone recently and they finally put it into stark contrast for me. Actually explaining it to them put it into stark contrast for me. The Blind Way Podcast […]

Percision Fit
Hiring me with my disability is expensive. Once I have successfully made it through the hiring process getting me in and productive is an investment. Currently I use: 45 Inch Monitor Kurzweil 3000 ZoomText QuickScan Pro Canon Scanner EV Jordi EV Merlin EV Maxport Herman Miller […]

Collaberation @ Work
I come across as hugely un-collaborative at work. It isn’t my intent and it is one of the reasons why I am open about my blindness. I can’t pretend anymore about my abilities or in some people’s opinion bizarre behavior. It takes too much energy to attempt to appear sighted. I am convinced of a […]

I am at a juncture. I’ve just gone through a few weeks of enhanced self awareness. I took some advocate training a couple of weeks ago. I’d never had any formal training and thought that it might help. What the training has done is take away my naivety about the my blindness. I didn’t appreciate […]

Proving Yourself
Have you ever heard the statement that more is never enough. When I look around today. I see the marketing message to all of us and its really driven at making us unhappy or discontent with our current state. You need more to be loved accepted and have friends and if you don’t have it […]

No Accommodation Necessary
After all of my bitching and moaning about being back in Alberta, Canada I think I can finally articulate what is pissing me off. There is talk of accommodation but no consideration for what works for me. Only what works for others, or only what is the cheapest for the company. I am expected to […]

Guerilla Job Hunting
I still advocate the use of the job hunting system in the book “What Color is Your Parachute”. These days the job hunting market is tough, Guerrilla job hunting is the added approach the extra work you have to do to get the job, you have to be tenacious bordering on obnoxious. To start you […]