Author Archive: kyle

Braille Business Cards
When I’m out and about I often get asked about various bits and bobs of equipment I’m using to accommodate my disability. Or I’m asked about blindness in general. I answer the persons question and point people at the “BlindManCan” blog. I’ve started handing out business cards my wife makes for me, she does a […]

Growing Pains
As you’ve seen over the past couple of weeks the blog has been going through some growing pains. In my professional life i work with organizations as they grow and mature in their information technology service management capabilities. I’ve delivered and ran global software as a service, services for Microsoft and am pretty good and […]

What Does a Blind Person Look Like
I am really struggling. People are amazing at least where I’m living currently in Calgary. No one seems to recognize that I am blind. I can honestly tell you what kind of crazy person would choose to walk around with a white cane, or tinted glasses. But thats what they seem to think. They think […]

Blindness is discipline, No really it is. Its not some kind of weird control or S&M thing. To manage and accommodate myself I need to be very methodical and disciplined about my logistics of life… Orientation is critical for safety and functionality. Once I have my orientation or as I talk about it my context […]

Recognition of the Canadian Womans Olympic Hockey Team
My wife and i took our car in to get serviced yesterday at the dealership. The dealer has a shuttle service to get you back home or to your office after dropping off your car with them. The driver of the shuttle was an interesting fellow who is apparently passionate about hockey. He asked us […]

Assulted on Calgary Transit Route 301
I live in the very far north part of Calgary, it takes me two buses to get from my home to work in downtown Calgary. The shuttle bus I use is bad enough the Route 420 is served generally only once an hour and the size of the bus used on the route variable on […]

Woof Woof, I’m a Dog
In Alberta your disability is measured on “point in time” capability. For instance to get a disabled placard in Alberta to enable you to use the “disabled” parking spots you can’t be able to work more than 150ft, “50m”. See the policy from the Services Alberta website below: Parking Placards for Persons With Disabilities Effective […]

Unaccompanied Travel of Minors
I like many of you out there is divorced, and remarried. As a result I have an extended family of four children. As a person that loves children and always dreamed of being a Dad with ten children I don’t see any of my children enough. With the economic realities of the time and the […]

A Culture of One, Identity
Recently I published an article defining culture, I want to build on that article as the definition of culture has given me language to discuss identity. I have been drafting an article on identity for as long as this blog has been in existence. All of my life Spock from the “Star Trek” franchise has […]

Ode to Attitude
Attitude was a bear, a teddy bear to be precise died on Jan 1, 2011. Attitude was the best $10 I ever spent on anything for my kids. This bear, Attitude, seen my daughter through her first 16 years of life. My children survived a horrific fire in their apartment complex. The downstairs neighbour spent […]