Author Archive: kyle

Is Your Cowboy Hat Too Tight?
I’ve been picking on Calgary in my writing recently, its hard returning home to find that home is no longer home and discover how much you’ve changed as well. I’m no longer a Calgarian but I am a Calgarian in the best sense of the word, I am friendly and helpful. There used to be […]

How My Ocular Albinism Works
This is what I know about the form of Ocular Albinism that is present in my family. The gene has travelled through a few family names so I won’t list them here. Also our form of Albinism is odd as the form is common in India but no where else. It appears my family carries […]

I Wish You’d Told Me
I wish you’d shared with me. I’m suffering for your ignorance and pride. Who do you think your kidding not talking about your disability not sharing with others in your family impacted by the same disability you have. Who are you not to admit that you are blind like me. Throughout our lives we are […]

Upon returning to Calgary I joined the “Calgary Chamber of Commerce” to support my reintroduction to the city and networking. Honestly as well its a clean safe place to go where the bathrooms don’t smell the people are friendly and the coffee doesn’t suck. The chamber runs some networking sessions for those of us doing […]

I have learned from the Phoenix my entire life. As soon as I understood the concept of a being that would burn to ashes and be reborn I hung onto the pyridine. At first in the context of my disability then I took the philosophy to my entire life. When I was younger it happened […]

Finding Your Voive
I received an email yesterday from an old friend of mine. This friend is very important to me as they have waled with me through many valleys of death. They have shown me compassion and hope when there was no on e else there. Even took me for a burger in a red convertible to […]

I know I’ve talked about grieving and the grieving cycle before, I had a cool conversation with an old friend yesterday who lost a really cool gig. He had a cool title, prestige, power, impact, and respect. He also had life plans and goals that have all now had to be rethought. I know when […]

Eyes Open
I am stunned trilled happy ecstatic and absolutely amazed. This is the best I’ve seen in over five years. The Strabismus surgery in combination with new glasses has made the world of difference. I would estimate at a quality of seeing improvement in the 40% to 50% range. Significantly reducing my eye strain and pain. […]

Have you ever thought about killing yourself? I have. I was in my teenage years my first significant relationship had just ended, she started seeing someone who could drive. I was dealing with not being able to drive and struggling with who would want me. Not only who would want me but who would want […]

White Canes Mean?
I was shopping for groceries today. I needed some help and like I usually do when I need help I ask. The person pointed to the isle and told me if you can’t see it we don’t have it. I told them cool I’m blind but they were already gone. I thought O.K. I live […]