White Canes Mean?
I thought O.K. I live in a relatively large city now. I phoned the manager. The first words out of this persons mouth were, “oh its O.K. honey, aka pour little blind boy, they probably didn’t know you were blind”.
Really are you freaking kidding me?!!!
I had to ask about the white cane I carry means, what? The store manager replied “the person likely didn’t know what it was”. Oh good lord. I’m not sure I know a more ubiquitous symbol on the planet besides the signs for the mens and ladies room. O.K. maybe the wheel chair thing. Are you kidding me?!!!
I’ve complained to the head office. Will anything happen. Likely not. I’m learning on my return to Canada that I have stepped back into the wild west. The problem is no one here is polite. In the past week I’ve had three different people kick my cane out of their way. People here cut you off push you out of the way. I’ve never been treated so badly. Obviously their thing is far more important than my dignity. Are you freaking kidding me!!!
The laws here don’t protect me.
I have to tell you this story. I was at a urinal peeing. A guy walks up and starts doing his thing. He leans over and asks what I’m measuring with that stick. I still have the wheel on the end of my cane. I told him he really didn’t want to start that conversation at the urinal as he’d likely not measure up. “Blind men always have the biggest sticks….” Bad taste probably but I’m venting I’m frustrated. Good lord Canada get some manners.