Author Archive: kyle

Its Monday and Everybody Works on Monday
Have you ever seen the movie “Dave”? I still tear up when I watch it. In my career I’ve looked for and found new jobs I think fifteen or so times. I’ve learned a lot about networking and job searching. Many compliment me on my job searching abilities. There are times when finding the job […]

They Didn’t Even Know
I was dumb struck recently. I was visiting some cousins of mine in Edmonton. They had absolutely no idea I couldn’t see them. They knew I was blind but they had no idea to the impact of my blindness. My cousin asked why I didn’t talk to their child. I had to respond I can’t […]

I Should Have Known
I connected with a cousin of mine the other day. During the conversation of catching up we touching on my disability. She knew I was blind, but not what that meant or what it was called. I should have known. I’ve spent so much time lately being angry and frustrated at my family of origin […]

As you may have notice there have been some changes at www.blindmancan.comrecently. A Facebook mirror of the blog has been setup with a direct link to Twitter and to Linked-In. Readership is up over 400%. Thanks for your interest!!!! No one has asked yet but I thought I’d better be proactive and address this “donate” button […]

Blog Posts’s
You may ask. Well you haven’t but just in case you ask. How long does it take to write a blog post? There is no single answer to this question. Learning to write becoming a writer, yes I know, my writing still sucks. You have to admit its getting better though. Becoming a writer carrying […]

Poverty / Prosperity
I was hypothesizing about growing up in poverty, disabled, blind. I grew up in Canada. Generally the poverty levels here are better than in other parts of the world but indeed poverty exists here as well. I’ve done some reading and research and have had several conversations about poverty. I am no expert on poverty. […]

Technical Accomidation
I’m struggling with the issue of technical accommodation, who’s responsibility is it, who pays, and who gets to keep the gear?. As a disabled person there are pieces of technology that make many things in my day and my personal and professional life possible. I’m going to publish a picture of myself showing the technology […]

In The Beginning
I am starting this BLOG and Podcast to share my experience with blindness. I am legally blind and have been since birth. I have a congenital eye condition called Ocular Albinism. Many have been interested and inspired by my story over the years. So much so I considered writing a book to share my story…. In The Beginning […]

What Can You See?
I get this question all the time. I appreciate the question as it demonstrates a person’s interest in understanding me and my vision but it is profoundly difficult to answer. Visual acuity or our perception of color is impacted by our mood our distractions and our experiences. Vision ultimately is a very individual and somewhat variable experience. What […]

My Greatest Gift
I wanted to write a book about my experience with blindness except I couldn’t think of the punch line, the hook or the message. Honestly I am not the joke even though I have been accused of being the joke once or twice. There really isn’t anything profound as I believe that everyone is born […]