Author Archive: kyle

BlindManCan Store
Check out the BlindManCan Store BlindManCan Store Podcast Today on a whim I added a store. A few of my friends have been suggesting slogans so why not. I’ve started with mugs but will be adding shirts hats etc. Check it out. You might enjoy some of the items.

BlindManCan on iTunes
BlindManCan Now On ITunes BlindManCan Now on iTunes Podcast Its technology so cool. You can now find BlindManCan on iTunes.

Head Out of Sand
My parents had a couple of great sayings that really help me out to this day. Being disabled you can get caught up in yourself to the exclusion of all else. You can live in your own little world. You can also fall into the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. Head out of Sand […]

Groups II
Some additional thoughts came to mind after I wrote about groups previously. I was listening to the Vinyl Cafe a radio show from the CBC in Canada. Its very comical following the exploits about Dave. Dave owns a used record store in small town no where Canada and the radio play follows Dave’s trials and […]

Human Migrations
Growing up in Canada there were many times because of a resource based economy that industries shut down and people had to move. The mine was closed the forestry shut and fishery devastated. I never in my wildest dreams thought as an IT person that my industry would be devastated. I often thought of the […]

I’ve always been told that I’ve got a great set of pipes. Voice. I’ve always been told I should be in radio. When I was born the nurse even told my mom that I had / have a voice like a fog horn. I’ve been messing around with a career transition and talking to some […]

Run Me Down
A fellow in a truck almost ran me down the other day. I tapped on his truck to get his attention and he started telling me how he was going to insert my white cane in an orifice of mine. I’ve done it as well when I do something I know I’m in the wrong […]

BlindManCan Amazon Store
I added an Amazon hosted store for the books and devices I talk about. Check it out. I added an Amazon hosted store for the books and devices I talk about. Check it out.

No One is an Island
With the current economic times God has taken the opportunity to remind me that no ones stands alone. No one is an island. I have always been grossly independent. Historically if you tried to help me I’d crush you like a bug for your generosity. I’d take offense be offensive and stand in admiration at […]

Artists Way
Its become apparent to me that one has to take care of themselves to be able to create. I have the “Artists Way” book but have never gone through it. I haven’t scanned it. But when I am under stress or I’m upset. I can’t write and I can’t record. Sucks. It continues to surprise […]