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Oh Canada
I know have an opinion on where it is best to be disabled. I know from recent experiences that discrimination legislation in Canada particularly western Canada is still in flux. What that means is that your experience for accommodation and protection under the law if you have a disability will vary. From my experience in […]

I get crazy embarrassed when I mess up because of my vision. It really has an impact on me. When I make a “visual” error It affects my self esteem my intelligence everything. I turn to mush. I punish myself. I shouldn’t but I do. I have to generally stop what I’m doing reset and […]

I Can’t Let Go
Moving back to Calgary has been surreal. From the growth of the city to seeing my favorite waitress at 1886 cafe to my personal growth and growth of those I’ve called friends and family. I am still known and known in a good way which I am thankful for but so much has changed, a […]

Strabismus Surgery Update
Its been a few weeks now since my surgery, I feel great. The pain was significantly less than I had expected I have been pleasantly surprised. I’m trying to get glasses post surgery since that’s how this whole journey started. Glasses are a separate adventure. The surgery went great. My post surgical appointment was flawless. […]

I’m Not Doing This to Hurt You
There was an article on CNN today about transgender issues. The person in the picture was holding up a sign that stated “I’m Not Doing This to Hurt You”. I have often in my life felt this way. Especially in my family of origin but also with others. I’m not this way I didn’t chose […]

Family Devestated
I am working on a social model for acceptance of disability, integration, impact on social groups such as families, etc. In the thinking I’m doing I look at my own family experience. Disability has devastated my family experience. I know from my life experience that a lot of families are a miss mash mess but […]

The Risk of Being an Angry Blindman
CNN has provided much inspiration for my writing recently. There was a headline recently about Obama in the context of the BIG oil spill. A lot of people want Obama to get mad and kick some butt. When your a member of a “group” of people be it a color creed or disability you are […]

I love the way the english pronounce urine it comes out like “your-ine” it used to piss off one of my managers, who was english, as I’d laugh every time he said urine. Little boys and their humour I know. I’m convinced that my old manager just capitulated and said it occasionally to manage my […]

A few years ago I went through some very hard times coming out blind then going back into the closet. I had a guide dog for a while and pray that that blessing will happen again. There are so many things that a guide does for you, companionship, safety, security, inclusion, its amazing. Then my […]

Potentually Interesting
We all struggle with our vacation destinations. We’ll here’s mine, a restaurant that provides a culinary experience giving the dinner a since of what it is to be blind. We are all looking for experiences that enlighten us and delight us. Food in the dark might be very interesting. As long as the experience includes […]