Author Archive: kyle

Blind Mistakes
Every now and then I make a mistake directly attributed to my disability. I still find to this day that my initial emotion is humiliation and a self loathing and emotional beating that would kill any mere mortal or a bull elephant. Its physical equivalent is like getting kicked very hard in the balls. You […]

Calm the Beast
My grandpa was amazing, staring his live on the bald prairie living in a teepee and finishing his life in a growing city. I can’t imagine the range of experiences the things he seen changed and the things that were for worse and for better. My Grandpa was a simple man he worked hard, he […]

I’ve wanted to write about this for some time but its been very emotional. I often wonder what kind of person would tell my kids that I’m bad, or I don’t love them, or I won’t be there for them? My parents have consciously and willfully interfered with my relationship with my children. My parents […]

The Blind Man and Sex
Every now and then I like to take a look at the search terms people are using to find the blog. Its the first time I’ve ever seen “Blind Men and Sex”, it very much made me smile. I’m WRONG in all the RIGHT ways!!! I think a sighted man would suck at sex not […]

Biggest Loser
Who are your hero’s? Who were the people or persona’s that you looked up to when you were growing up? Its hard right now for everyone. Standards of living are changing, salaries are under pressure, taxes are going up, food costs more. Growing up in Canada I was enthralled with hockey loved it breathed […]

Getting Medical Attention in Calgary
I’ve been back in my home town now for a little over a year and a half. I want to share with you what you can expect if you are disabled and your in Calgary. If you can’t drive which I can’t its impossible to find a family doctor. There are so few doctors in […]

Rhonda Lee
Thank you Rhonda Lee…. Thank you Rhonda Lee Podcast It’s not often you meet someone out of the blue who is so profoundly helpful. I was grocery shopping yesterday and Rhonda Lee noticed my white cane in the shopping cart. I can drive a shopping cart with a white cane. People don’t move anyway. Rhonda Lee was amazing. […]

Big Dan G.
He observed in a meeting that I was always upbeat and positive. That I bring a smile and a warmth to the workplace. That when he is feeling low he comes by just to say hi and he feels better. I can’t ask for more!! Thanks Dan…

The Barber
It’s a rule of mine never to mess with someone that has a sharp instrument next to my head. But the other day a barber almost crossed the line from ignorant to stupid. I sat in the barber’s chair expecting the normal small talk and received instead silence. I’m cool. I don’t need to make […]

Getting The Job
There are a couple of things you need to get a job…. Getting The Job Podcast Believe you are capable of doing a job The capability to do the job The willingness to “Step Up” to the requirements of the job An understanding of what you bring to the job and what you need from […]