Author Archive: kyle

Making a Living
Its very difficult making a living as a blind person. The most stress I’ve ever had in my life was when I was married, for the first time, and I was the only bread winner. I couldn’t get my x-wife to work for nothing. Supporting four mouths was a ton of pressure. In the workplace […]

Angry Blindman
CNN has provided much inspiration for my writing recently. There was a headline recently about Obama in the context of the BIG oil spill. A lot of people want Obama to get mad and kick some butt. When your a member of a “group” of people be it a color creed or disability you are […]

Poverty, Disability
I was hypothesizing about growing up in poverty, disabled, blind. I grew up in Canada. Generally the poverty levels here are better than in other parts of the world but indeed poverty exists here as well. I’ve done some reading and research and have had several conversations about poverty. I am no expert on poverty. […]

Not a topic I’ve talked about yet, “Sex”. We’’ll yes as far as I know and from my own experience yes Blind People have sex, and like it, occasionally love it and “NO” I didn’t go blind from inappropriately touching myself. I’m not going to comment on the dark side of sexuality and pornography. Other […]

What is the Human Condition?
What is the human condition indeed? When you synthesize distill and peel back the layers of life what are you left with? Death. Life will ultimately lead to death. All life comes with the instinct to survive be it the individual, the colony, the species. You could take a step further back and ponder what […]

Activism vs Advocacy
Duality, paradox, is how I view my experience with blindness. There are things I can do and can see in some contexts and there are many many things I can’t do or see no matter what. I was challenged in a discussion, am I an advocate,?“a person who speaks or writes in support or defense […]

Technical Accommodation
I’m struggling with the issue of technical accommodation, who’s responsibility is it, who pays, and who gets to keep the gear?. As a disabled person there are pieces of technology that make many things in my day and my personal and professional life possible. I’m going to publish a picture of myself showing the technology […]

I love reading. Did I say I love reading, most of my life I’ve been an avid reader. I’ve read until my eye’s have bled. Nothing like your imagination and a good story to take you anywhere or anyplace in time and space. As I’ve aged I’ve lost the ability and the energy to read […]

Self Loathing
Its easy when your disabled to blame everything that doesn’t go as you had hoped on the disability, every failure, every failed relationship, work related issues, anything. The challenge of a disability is to be totally and completely honest with yourself and those around you. I hate being blind sometimes. Not so much anymore but […]

What Does a Blind Man Look Like
This is me. I’m six foot four inches tall, probably about three hundred pounds and blind. I’m told everyday that I don’t look blind. I’m really not what you’d expect too see when you see a blind person. What do you expect when you see a person of disability? What do you expect to see […]