Author Archive: kyle

You Can’t Do ThaT II
I love it. You can’t do that!! Why not? Because you’re blind!!! I get this often. You’re not supposed to do that. Here let me do that for you. It’s amazing to me other people’s conception of your abilities. I love blindness as a metaphor because blindness is used to describe so many “can’t do” […]

You’re Not Blind
Historically people would believe I was blind because of the coke bottle bottom glasses I wore. Yes the lenses were thick. When high index lenses came out, which are very thin, then people didn’t know I am blind and most couldn’t guess. Well there were a few. That was in the days when I was […]

How I See: Context
Context is everything to me. People that know me personally will laugh out loud at this as I love chaos and passion, sometimes confused with drama and reckless abandon. I need context and structure. I need routine guideposts in my life that I can count on to get through my day. I see in context, […]

In Your Eyes
I see the world and am provided rich experiences through the eyes of others. I love people in general. I believe everyone has something to teach and everyone provides a unique view of the world and the experiences in it. In Your Eye’s Podcast When I am out and about I love to go with […]

How I See: Introduction
I have just completed a set of posts that describe how I see. In the group of posts it is important to realize that my physical visual acuity is 20/200. What you see at 200 feet I need to be at 20 feet to see the same thing. Generally I function much higher generally around […]

How I See: Memory Maps
I find memory mapping critical for me to see. In a particular context for instance my house. I memorize and map the environment. I can draw you a detailed floor plan showing you where all the light switches and outlets are, the doors, the location of the furniture, the windows, whatever. This is a multi […]

How I See: Closure
I’m not talking about the process you go through when you end a relationship and you get together that one last time to yell and scream and each other. Saying all the nasty things you’ve stored up over the years. No I’m talking about closure referred to as Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization. Basically our […]

Human Perception
I have been researching ways to describe scientifically the human envelope of perception. I’ve given up. I’ve looked in books on the internet talked to doctors etc. No luck… On the earth in the universe we live in there are a range of signals out there some we are aware of and others we are […]

Public Perception
I’ve being pondering the issue of public perception of blind people. I have often wondered why a blind person using a guide dog is perceived in a better light then a blind person using a white cane. The answer embarrassingly enough is obvious. Who would you feel better about a person with a well behaved […]

What is Normal?
I work in the Information Technology industry and have designed and implemented a number of large systems supporting global requirements. Each system is different. Each system has its own unique way of being measured and behaving. Each system was designed for a different set of business reasons in different market or industry segments. Each system […]