Author Archive: kyle

BlindManCan Audiances
I have always been interested in who my audience actually is. I’m sure there is someone looking to steal my identity, good think I’m broke. I’m sure there are hackers that are piggy backing on the services I use to host this blog, I’m sure there are a few out there to monitor, stalk, and […]

In Calgary they have a light rail transit system dubbed the “LRT”, growing up here I’ve seen the LRT system from its genesis to its current and planned state. Its not a bad system gets you around about fairly effectively. My days when I’m on my own working or shopping or doing whatever require public […]

When I walk down the street most days I feel like an escape. I should be locked up. I should be in the shadows. I should be kept away. I am unclean. I am a leaper. I may be contagious. Don’t let your children come near me. Don’t touch me the blindness will rub off. […]

Change of Pace
When I’m doing the blog I often worry about accessibility. I don’t follow the WC3 guidelines I should but I haven’t got a clue technically on how to do it. I have a tool I use on the Mac and that’s how technical I want to get with the web publishing. I have considered the […]

To be disabled, different, apart, marginalized, is frustration. Frustrated at the things that you can and can’t do, the person you might want to be, the job you might want to have, the mate you think you might want. The things that take longer or are impossible. Fear of being rejected, left behind, abandoned, or […]

M’s & N’s
I’ve had colleagues at work one at Microsoft and one at my current gig who can’t get their head wrapped around me. In the Microsoft case it eventually cost me my job. Not being what is expected will likely cost me my current job as well. Being blind you can’t work in ways that sighted […]

Liar Liar
Enabler!! What a terrible term. I learned this term in my recovery, my coming out blind. I read a lot of different literature in my recovery one of them was the “Big Blue” book from alcoholics anonymous. I went to a couple of AA meetings and Al anon, meetings, an organization for those who’s lives […]

I Can’t Remember
Three words that reverberate through time and space. I can’t remember. I have recently become a big fan of Sandra Bulllock, especially her movies “28 Days” and more recently “The Blind Side”. In the movie “The Blind Side”. The school principle, having learned from the police that someone identified as Michael’s father has died, asks […]

Why Do I Have to Accomidate You?
Its amazing to me how many people haven’t got a clue what a white cane is!!! Its amazing to me that no matter if your carrying a white cane and your recognized as blind people will not accommodate you!!! Then there are the forms of life that have the stupidity to judge you “not disabled […]

Battery Powered
I realized yesterday with a thud how reliant I am on technology to get through the day. I was attending a conference one of the best I’ve ever attended. My Jordy’s battery died back to the monocular. I’ve used a Jordy for a number of years now and I think its time to replace the […]