Author Archive: kyle

Sir John
I have to recommend highly “Cora’s” in Bow Valley Square in Calgary. John is the front man for the place and took awesome care of me. I had a meeting this morning with a fellow I’ve never met before. John seen me standing outside the restaurant invited me in and helped me find my meeting. […]

Least Significant Rights
I want to introduce a concept to you, least significant rights, is used in computer file system security. A user uses a computer and the computer determines if you have access to a file on the computer by looking at the users access to: the computer disk, the folder on the disk, the sub […]

Beware, Small Minded Person
There are people out there who feel badly about themselves to the point they use others, they hurt others, to feel better about themselves. These are the people in a “culture” who are convinced that greatness cannot come from anywhere but within the culture. They are closed to the potential of others instead they judge, […]

Culture Defined
I took a course that offered a model of culture that I’ve latched onto. I am a visual thinker and models help me to make sense of things and to move forward my thinking on a subject. I’ve been trying to write about a number of topics for a couple of years and now with […]

Recently I published an article defining culture, I want to build on that article as the definition of culture has given me language to discuss identity. I have been drafting an article on identity for as long as this blog has been in existence. All of my life Spock from the “Star Trek” franchise has […]

Intolerance for Intolerance
I don’t have to look far to recognize the things that infuriate me about intolerance; I just have to look in the mirror. I have a total intolerance for intolerance, and I’ve been brutal about it. Popeye has been an inspiration for most of my life, well a sound byte of Popeye’s has been an […]

Crossing the Street
Crossing the street is serious business. I have a rigor a discipline that keeps me safe and keeps me alive. Sighted people are so carefree so careless, jaywalking, cutting corners, crossing against the signal. I don’t have that luxury, my envelope of certainty isn’t that big. My rule of thumb is never trust a […]

Coke Bottle Bottoms
WARNING, this content may be misconstrued by some readers. The implication being I can see more than I can actually see. The ability to compose a picture has no relationship to how much of the content of the picture can be seen. Photography is an important technical accommodation used to give […]

Enough is Enough
When do you stop advocating and just walk away. How stupid can people be? Free advice never ask questions you don’t want answers for. People will amaze you both positively and negatively. God has a mischievous sense of humor so never ask how can this get any worse. God will show you. […]

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do It Better :-)
I regularly receive the comment, “I didn’t know you were blind!” I am what they call “high functioning”, which has always pissed me off. High functioning is a fancy way of saying I’m not blind, or I’m not blind enough. Lets stick purely with the facts, I am blind; yes I still have some […]