Author Archive: kyle

It’s a lesson I’ve had to focus on for my whole life, slow down, be patient. I’ve laughed at and mocked statements like you need to slow down to go faster. With age, millage and experience I can now look back and see that indeed if I’d stopped, spent more time learning, more time planning, […]

Managing Your Disability
Disability requires constant diligence, what’s working what’s not working, what’s changed, what can I do to manage my disability differently. It’s a discipline of constant diligence that will see you through. None of Us Wants be a Burden We all don’t want to be a burden on others. Having others take care of our basic […]

Throw Back
Recently I had the opportunity to work at a client who’s focus is the eradication of blindness. I had some misgivings going into the organization, “the blind man at the blind organization”. Initially the gig was a good fit the people were excellent the mission for the organization seemed sound and I had fun for […]

Assaulted on Calgary Transit 301
I live in the very far north part of Calgary, it takes me two buses to get from my home to work in downtown Calgary. The shuttle bus I use is bad enough the Route 420 is served generally only once an hour and the size of the bus used on the route variable on […]

Blind Man Fighting
To steal a line from Peter Gabriel “I was taught to fight, taught to win”. My parents would tell me when I was growing up that they are raising me differently then they did my sister. They were teaching me to fight for myself. Being disabled is tough it can be a “fight”. Recently as […]

I finally know why people don’t think I’m blind. I ran into a woman on the street yesterday who just kept looking at me in shock. She said that she had a friend who is blind and she says to me “you’re not blind”. I was raised to appear not blind for 40 years I […]

The remarks, “You are amazing!”, “You are inspiring” are a polite reminder of how brave I am to leave my house. I was on course last week and my eye’s, my mind, my heart was opened to some tragic truths. I am of Metis decent. Thankfully, and I say that with a lack of pride, […]

Thank you Steve Jobs & Apple
Sir Steve, thank you for the wonderful products, I love the approach Apple is taking with accessibility. I love that accessibility is there when I want it and I can put it away when I don’t need it. Dynamic contextual based accessibility enables me so much more than the typical all or nothing approach. I […]

I had a perspective offered to me the other day. Race has no determining, explaining factor on a persons: intelligence, competence, behaviour, or personal power. The line from an song I learned in catechism “Red and Yellow, Black and White”, “Jesus loves the little children of the world”. One could argue for more colours or […]

Health Care Coverage
When I left Canada a number of years ago it was straight forward to get medical and dental coverage. If you were working for an employer that provided health care coverage as part of an employment package you were set. Depending on the plan you would get vision care coverage, prescription drug coverage, […]