Author Archive: kyle

Bee Little
People generally have good intent and mean well. We won’t talk about those rare few individuals that are totally mindlessly malicious. Parents love to protect their children, friends love to protect their friends, and we like to protect ourselves. We like to fit in. Having a disability can leave you feeling like an alien. The […]

Used Against Me
A very good friend asked me recently if I was concerned with any of the Blog or Podcast content being used against me. My initial response was No. But then I thought about it and yes I have no doubt this content will come back to haunt me at some point. Used Against Me Podcast […]

The Paradox of Blindness
Being legally blind is a paradox. You can, but you can’t!! The real problem is its never consistent. It all really depends on many factors. For me light is a big one. In some lighting conditions I can see very well and in others I can’t. As a general rule dawn and dusk is when […]

Coming Out Blind
For most of my life I have not lived openly with my blindness. I have hid it and rejoiced in its invisibility. The sad thing with most things you try to hide about yourself the only person I was fooling was myself…. It takes a lot of energy to appear sighted, you’re constantly acting and anticipating the […]

I am not a Victim
Society is very interesting. If you are disabled its O.K. to fail. Its O.K. to not have high standards or high expectations. Its O.K. to use your disability as an excuse. Society is used to telling people its O.K. you can’t do this or that. It’s O.K. because your disabled…. I Am Not a Victim Podcast What Society has […]

Change is Good
Professionally I help Information Technologies Service Delivery teams grow. Teams like individuals get stuck in ruts focusing on the negative or failure and not focusing on success and building on that success to be able to do new and cool things. When the focus is on the failure connections between team or family members are […]

Blindness Defined
I will point you at NOAH’s site to discover the definition of Ocular Albinism the congenital eye condition that I have. For other definitions you’re on your own. I don’t care. Blindness Defined Podcast Here is my definition of Blindness. Blindness is a logistics problem. My experience of blindness is dynamic. So when my capabilities […]

Driven To Achieve
People look in awe at my career. I am in the top 5% of wage earners in North America. I’ve often had this monkey on my back about not having a degree. A job coach once said to me. Will the degree help you earn more money? My answer has been no I already make […]

Blind Jokes
I love humor and more often than not I need to laugh at myself. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the subject of blind jokes. Especially in light of the movie Blindness, I know the move was controversial to some. I actually read the book “Blindness” that the movie is based on. I […]

You Can’t Do ThaT
People love to tell us what we can and can’t do. In some ways unfortunately we are shaped by our environment and those around us. The people in our lives have a strong influence on what we think of ourselves and what we hold true about our abilities. Look at a marriage with an abusive […]