Author Archive: kyle

Bootstrap Blindman
Pulling myself up after being unemployed for a year is going to take some time. The toll has been horrendous. The job market in and around Seattle remains a disaster. Personally I’ve lost my confidence I’ve lost my belief and understanding in my abilities. I’m trying to pull myself up and out of this mess. […]

As a blind person I get to observe experience and rationalize sociological constructs. One of them is accommodation. When we talk about accommodation we also need to consider the norm. What is the norm what is normal? In my exploration of with is the norm and what is normal I have observed that these constructs […]

Bad Dad
I am a failure as a parent. Actually technically as a loving caring person I got better. but as a blind person who is a parent I’ve failed. Not living openly with my disability created dynamics that made the whole parenting thing impossible. It put pressures on me and my children to the point that […]

Show Me The Money
Being blind, being disabled, is expensive. We all have certain costs for housing transportation, food, entertainment, clothing, etc.. From experience my costs are higher. Having married an accountant I am not very aware of my expenses. Money has always been a problem for me. Really not that I don’t make enough of it which I’m […]

The Ultimate Opportunity
Touching a persons life is above else doing the work of the universe of “god”. We are all together in this, if we feel unloved unwanted or alone, we are all together in this. This Life. What does it mean to touch a persons life. The negative side is easy. I’m disappointed I’m unhappy, I […]

Broken’s Parents
A disabled child, shocking abnormal, broken, unacceptable, shameful, sin….. Having a “broken” child is such a disappointment. What have I done, what could I have done differently. Why is God punishing me!! Why Why Why. Its like waking up Christmas morning anticipating that one thing that you’ve always wanted you’ve always desired then … Its […]

I hate drugs be they prescription or recreational. I have come to accept the prescription variety. Pain or a threat of a shortened lifespan are amazing motivators in seeking out treatment and ultimately be willing to accept medications in your world. As an individual I use every ounce of my abilities to get through the […]

Find A Happy Place
My wife asked me today to find my happy place. I resented her comment at first but I am starting to get it. I am always reminded that we are impacted by those around us and in turn we impact them as well. My life is truly blessed by the presence of my wife. When […]

People don’t get it. If you don’t look or act a certain way then you can’t be. I don’t look blind and most of the time am fairly highly functional. I have had a successful career although with the economy that is no longer true. People like to push you around like to determine what […]

Alberta Bound
Those words have been given new meaning for me since I’ve moved back. I can’t believe how much things change and how much I’ve changed as an individual. The culture here is very much against open discussion on anything. They all appear to be homophobic and afraid of anything that is not the “norm”. There […]