By July 5, 2021 Read More →

Safety First, COVID 19

The COVID 19 pandemic has been one of the most divisive issues globally that I’ve seen in my lifetime. Divides along political, ideological, theological, economic, geographic, culture, race, age, disability, etc.. Where I live in Alberta Canada the provincial (state) government in their wisdom have removed the majority of the COVID 19 restrictions. Including strong arming major cities in Alberta to remove locally initiated mask requirements.

I’m not there yet. When I look at the data and the history of pandemics personally I’m not convinced were out of this one yet, especially considering variants. I personally do not want to be responsible for spreading COVID or living with COVID.

With my disability I get tired of people determining or deciding for me what I can do. Oh if you can see that your not blind, uh huh. The same thing with the pandemic no matter what my point of view on the pandemic is. People are imposing their beliefs on me. I’m healthy and strong I don’t need no stinking vaccine. The best ones are Bill Gates is going to microchip us or we will become magnetic.

Yes the facts are the vaccines are not formally approved and we are managing the pandemic in the context of health care services capacity.

I’m still not there yet. Even though my government has shirked their accountability for my safety I can’t. I will still wear a mask, I will still social distance, and sorry to say if your not doubled tapped don’t come to my door.

Its stupid we all had to get tetanus we all had to get measles mumps and rubella, now we all have to get COVID 19. Yes thee are complications but their are complications no matter which choice we make. Maybe I’m blind, yes I am, but being blind its always safety first and I’m going for safety first.

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