Author Archive: kyle

Arogant Human Ignorance
A core part of the human experience is; we don’t know what we don’t know. It’s like the young child who covers their eye’s and thinks they are invisible. If something exists beyond our imagination then to us it doesn’t exist. Humans as individuals and humans as a herd don’t like change. An individual can […]

Kyle Bruce Bergum is dead, only figuratively metaphorically, not physically, well not yet anyway. We all talk about it, death, and living. A friend was telling me the other day that we spend the first half of our lives thinking we are immortal and the last half of our lives working to understand […]

More Changes!? Is a continual journey for me. I don’t lack for things to write about. I could probably devote all my time, and energy to writing and I still wouldn’t run out of things to write about. The process of writing is not easy. There are things emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually that I’m ready to […]

New Photos
New Pictures Today From some recent hikes I’ve updated a couple of the photo libraries. Check out Calgary Check out Lake Louise Check out East Kootenay

I’m Back
Its too long since I’ve last posted, its winter here now, not too cold yet or too much snow, but definitely winter. Christmas and now my birthday have come and gone. Last fall has been fun and a bit of an adventure. I have some short tales and a warning about being careful what you […]

The Technology I Use
I love to use technology to assist me with my vision. I am very open to trying out new things some things work very well others don’t. These are the things I use regularly or rely on entirely to get through the day. The Technology I Use Podcast I manage my day on an energy […]

Cane Technique
I was in my 30’s before I learned how to use a cane. At the time I was living in Calgary, Alberta. I went to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and was taught cane technique. Cane Technique Podcast A white cane is prescribed based on a person’s height. You need a cane that […]

To Every Season
The changing of the seasons adds a special challenge for me. The angle of the light can be brutal for me. My iris are translucent and at certain angles my vision is saturated with light. In the spring and fall the angle of light changes and my ability to see for about a month is […]

Telling Time with the Tissot – T
Telling time has always been a pain. Analog watches have been hard to read and digital watches are generally too small. I was in the market for a BIG watch a few years ago and a friend of mine found that Tissot made a vibrating watch the Tissot Silen-T. At the time I was considering […]

User Interfaces
There are many issues with user interfaces to technology. My approach has been to give up on reading the bits and pieces unless I have to. I work off of patterns. I don’t want to appear too cynical but there is no real push at making user interfaces accessible… I had the opportunity to get […]