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I’m not convinced that there is any “disability” be it sensory, mobility, or cognitive that doesn’t come with some side effects. Accommodating for a disability is very hard on the mind & body. Besides the fact that most disabilities don’t come without some spice, there are generally some other issues associated with the disability. […]

What’s In a Doll
What wisdom can a toy doll impart on us? We either make our toys represent ourselves, making our toy look like us, or our toy becomes our confidant or our best friend. In either case we have the opportunity to project ourselves and reflect on our life through play. Play is a necessary for […]

When is Enough, Enough?
When is enough, enough? Recently, I wrote about my intolerance for intolerance and my new approach of working in the context of three strikes before writing off someone, a group, or an organization, or employer. I recently worked in a health care organization from January this year to early August this year. My tenure should […]

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better!!!
I regularly receive the comment, “I didn’t know you were blind!” I am what they call “high functioning”, which has always pissed me off. High functioning is a fancy way of saying I’m not blind, or I’m not blind enough. Lets stick purely with the facts, I am blind; yes I still have some […]

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. On the following pages you’l have access to a large portfolio of photos. On the one had you’ll see me up to all kinds of things getting into all kinds of mischief. On the other hand you’ll see the pictures I’ve taken from places […]

Realizing My Potential
Have you ever noticed how, depending on you take on things, God or the universe chooses to talk to us? Have you ever noticed how often we are given messages? There are countless songs poems stories etc about how we are spoken to. The subtle the sublime and sometimes the sledgehammer on our stubborn heads, […]

Cone of Silence
I’ve talked to a number of people recently and I’m shocked. I have been ignorant and naive. People with any disability, visible or not, disease, affliction whatever feel like they are not allowed to talk about their condition. I’ve been told by many not for profit organizations that their donors demand to be anonymous. The […]

Have you ever asked yourself why you seem to be more receptive to some and not so much to others? Have you ever wondered at work why if an idea came from one colleague it was received differently then if another colleague expressed the same idea? Do you notice that if something is not in […]

Teenage Blindness
The teenage years for anyone are probably some of the hardest and delightful moments of ones life. Its the first time you ask yourself who am I? The first time you figure out what is important to you, the first time you begin to understand who and what you are and what you stand for. […]

None of us like to feel or admit we are different. I look at my choice of careers. I used to shun the musician, masseuse thing as it was stereotypically blind. I now am spending more time singing and want to learn the message trade. I chose a career in information technology “IT”. Why because […]