Author Archive: kyle

Collage / College
College / Collage After 46 years I am proud to say that today I learned how to spell the word College correctly. No longer are my colleges collages of experiences but now colleges of learning. Letters remain a mystery to me no matter how big they are some of them are really hard to see. […]

Priority Seating
As you’ve read and heard me bitching and moaning its been hard for me coming back to Canada from the United State, the US is really the world leader in disability awareness. I’ve noticed that my experience personally varies significantly geographically with my more positive experiences happening in Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver and my […]

I’ve taken up snowshoeing. Its hard to get the exercise you need when you don’t drive. The gym is a logistical nightmare unless it is very close to where you work or you live. Making a trip to the gym adds significantly to your trip times if the gym is out of the way, […]

Whats In a Doll?
What wisdom can a toy doll impart on us? We either make our toys represent ourselves, making our toy look like us, or our toy becomes our confidant or our best friend. In either case we have the opportunity to project ourselves and reflect on our life through play. Play is a necessary for […]

Living With Pain
I’m not convinced that there is any “disability” be it sensory, mobility, or cognitive that doesn’t come with some side effects. Accommodating for a disability is very hard on the mind & body. Besides the fact that most disabilities don’t come without some spice, there are generally some other issues associated with the disability. Having […]

Dating a Sighted Person
I’m still surprised at how many people find the blog by looking for relationship advice. Should I date a blind person, what can I expect from being in the relationship with a blind person. Lets turn it around for a moment and consider it from my perspective. What can I, being blind, expect from being […]

Biggest Looser
Who are your hero’s? Who were the people or persona’s that you looked up to when you were growing up? Its hard right now for everyone. Standards of living are changing, salaries are under pressure, taxes are going up, food costs more. Growing up in Canada I was enthralled with hockey loved it breathed […]