Author Archive: kyle

From Homer to Helen Keller: a Social and Educational Study of the Blind
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Dating a Disabled Person
I never thought I’d have to spend so much time writing about dating. My experiences are well documented in other parts of the blog. I’m happy with some of the blog posts and unhappy with others, regardless there are many lessons learned that I will attempt to share. If you are a disabled person reading […]

My views on parenting have matured recently especially since my children have fired me. Being fired has given me impetus to finally come to terms with some issues what have haunted me There are lot of barriers to being a good parent when your disabled. The logistics you have for managing your disability and children […]

I’m doing some writing for a group that focuses on youth employment. I knew it was bad out there with the economy but this group, young people, are getting hit particularly hard. A bit of hope is that the information technology “IT” industry is needing people. Not in traditional IT roles, not hidden away in […]

Being Content
I started my journey to contentment with a counsellor. The counsellor and I were together for a long time and I miss her desperately. I long for this companion from time to time and her counsel all the time. Thank you to this person for giving me the tools to live, for that gift for […]

Upon returning to Calgary I joined the “Calgary Chamber of Commerce” to support my reintroduction to the city and networking. Honestly as well its a clean safe place to go where the bathrooms don’t smell the people are friendly and the coffee doesn’t suck. The chamber runs some networking sessions for those of us doing […]

Finding Your Voice
I received an email yesterday from an old friend of mine. This friend is very important to me as they have waled with me through many valleys of death. They have shown me compassion and hope when there was no on e else there. Even took me for a burger in a red convertible […]

Going to the Slaughter House
In life there are many things we don’t want to do. Would avoid if we could, postpone as long as we can. I’ve added to my blindness a debilitating back problem. In my travels I ripped a hole in one of my disks in my spin. It hurts a lot and two to three times […]

My Bad Blind Self
I started this blog over two years ago, where has the time gone? But it was all about me, me and my bad self and my experience with blindness. I’ve grown as I’ve written both as a person, a disabled person a writer and a commentator on the human condition. I like to think […]

Disability Defined
My disability has added a second disability, my back. I have a ruptured disk for whatever reason we, the doctors and I, have no clue what happened. The theory is that a cycling accident I had a number of years ago was the catalyst event. It really doesn’t matter, my back condition is painful, debilitatingly […]