Author Archive: kyle

Getting Out The Door
You might not know it to look at me but I am utilizing six things to accommodate me and my disability. There are six things I use just to get out the door and walk down the street. Lets start at the top and work our way down. Tilley Hat Part of my disability is […]

I have not sinned. I am not stained because I am disabled and blind. Alternatively I am not disabled because I am stained or I have sinned. My purpose in life, my meaning in life is profoundly different from yours. I don’t exist to embarrass, disappoint or punish you even if you think that I […]

Studies In Pain
Having experienced pain first hand in my life due to trauma both emotional and physical, I have an observation. It is paradoxical to me that to heal physically and emotionally are two different things. To heal physically you have to manage reduce and attempt to eliminate the pain. The more pain your body has to […]

Is Your Cowboy Hat Too Tight
I’ve been picking on Calgary in my writing recently, its hard returning home to find that home is no longer home and discover how much you’ve changed as well. I’m no longer a Calgarian but I am a Calgarian in the best sense of the word, I am friendly and helpful. There used to be […]

Guerrilla Job Hunting
I still advocate the use of the job hunting system in the book “What Color is Your Parachute”. These days the job hunting market is tough, Guerrilla job hunting is the added approach the extra work you have to do to get the job, you have to be tenacious bordering on obnoxious. To start you […]

Aeron Chair by Herman Miller – Official Retailer – Highly Adjustable – Graphite Frame – Lumbar Pad – Carbon Classic (Medium)
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Kinesis Advantage Pro Metallic Includes Footswitch
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Children With Visual Impairments: A Guide for Parents
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Self-Esteem and Adjusting With Blindness: The Process of Responding to Life’s Demands
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