By June 15, 2013 Read More →

Alberta Health Care

I’m spoiled, I’m concerned, I’m surprised. During my life in Canada and the US with my eye condition I’ve enjoyed the attention of an Ophthalmologist. Even for mundane things like new glasses. I’ve just moved back to Calgary, Alberta and the health care system here is in a state. A state of what I’m not sure yet haven’t decided. Somethings appear to be working and somethings don’t. I called my Ophthalmologist the other day to get a follow up appointment from my recent Strabismus surgery. The receptionist told me now way. Being me I persisted. The “technician”, who I don’t like anyway, got on the phone and told me that I wasn’t, serious” enough to be seen by an Ophthalmologist. The “technician” went on to tell me that in a city of a little over a million, Calgary, there were very few eye specialists and a lot of patients and that the Ophthalmologist would only see the really serious stuff and I can be on my way.

I may go to my annual check up next year with my ophthalmologist and I may not. I haven’t decided. If I end up with a optometrist at a high volume glasses place and they don’t know what to do with me or the glasses I get are crap I will be raining on the parade..
I have also heard that eye exams are not covered under Alberta Health care. I’m told I’m going to have to pay between $110 and $150 CDN to get an eye exam. I wonder if there is a bidding web site for doctors?} Not likely.
I hope and pray that I am pleasantly surprised, I’m not holding my breath.
Posted in: Everything Else, Living

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